Kid with gold fish hanging out of mouth
our dental Services

Pediatric Crowns & Fillings in Sioux Falls

child getting dental filling

Restore Your Little One’s Damaged Teeth

If your child has a damaged or decayed tooth in Sioux Falls, the team at ABC Pediatric Dentistry is here to help. We offer pediatric crowns, fillings, and more. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our restorative treatments.

Composite Fillings

We use composite fillings at our office instead of metal amalgam fillings. Composite fillings match the color of your child’s tooth, which provides better aesthetic results. In addition, they have a very strong hold, and typically require the removal of less natural enamel structure.

Child getting a filling
Child with a dental crown in their mouth

Pediatric Dental Crowns

At ABC Pediatric dentistry, we have the option of using either white zirconia crowns or stainless steel crowns, depending on your child's needs.

Stainless steel crowns are used more commonly because they are versatile and usually more cost effective than white zirconia crowns. These pre-fitted stainless steel crowns can be applied with the HALL crown placement technique to restore your child’s smile in just a single non-invasive appointment. In general, pediatric dental crowns provide better protection than fillings and are often the best choice for restoring baby teeth.

Basic Extractions

If your child’s tooth cannot be saved, it may need to be extracted. Dr. Conner will clean and numb the area, gently loosen it and carefully remove it. Then, the area will be cleaned and you’ll be sent home with recovery instructions to follow as your child’s mouth heals.

A child getting a tooth extracted
smiling child

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers may be required if your child loses a tooth prematurely. A space maintainer fills the gap where their missing tooth was and encourages proper oral development.

Laughing Gas Available

We offer laughing gas as an option to all of our pediatric patients, ensuring that your child can feel safe and comfortable during their appointment. Contact our team today to learn more about your sedation options.